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Baxter Health, KTLO announce fall dates for annual Health Fair and Expo


Baxter Health and KTLO Classic Hits 97.9 and The Boot 101.7 have announced the 43rd annual Health Fair and Expo will take place in October, moved from its usual April date out of consideration for several factors including the proximity of the original date to the April 8 total solar eclipse.

The event is designed to bring together health professionals, wellness vendors and community members for a day of learning, health screenings and fun.

Rescheduled dates are now Oct. 10 at The Sheid on the Arkansas State University-Mtn. Home campus and Oct. 11 at the Durand Center in Harrison, Ark.

In addition to the eclipse, a factor influencing organizers’ decision to change the date is the new dates’ alignment with the Medicare open enrollment period, allowing more opportunities for community members to ask questions, they said.

“We believe that moving the Baxter Health Fair and Expo to October will allow us to provide an even more enriching experience for our community, said Baxter Marketing and Communication Vice President Tobias Pugsley. “We look forward to sharing some exciting things that will be on display as we get closer to the new date.

“The Medicare Open Enrollment period is of great importance to a large number of area residents, so this date means attendees will be able to access the latest information to make good decisions about their plans,” noted KTLO’s Heather Loftis. “Aside from all the available, informative aspects on health and wellness for the family, we expect the fresh look and vibe of the new Mountain Home venue to add energy and excitement to this highly anticipated event, while everyone will enjoy the notably better fall weather! Mark your calendars now to join us for a fun day in Mtn. Home on Oct. 10 or in Harrison on Oct. 11!”