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Applications now open for Ozarks Healthcare M*A*S*H Camp for youths


Ozarks Healthcare officials have announced the return of its M*A*S*H (Medical Academy of Science and Health) Camp this summer. Designed for area students with an interest in healthcare careers, the camp offers a unique hands-on experience to explore various medical specialties and learn from seasoned professionals, said officials.

"Our children represent the future of healthcare, and M*A*S*H Camp aims to inspire those with a passion for healing," said OZH President and CEO Tom Keller. "We hope this year's camp ignites a lasting interest in pursuing medical careers."

The program is open to students entering grades seven through 12 in the fall of 2024. A two-day session will cater to grades nine through 12 from July 9 through 10, while a one-day session for grades seven and eight will be held on July 11. Each participant will receive lunch, snacks and other camp materials.

Students will have the opportunity to explore a variety of healthcare careers, including orthopedic surgery, radiology, emergency medicine, primary care and nursing. Ozarks Healthcare physicians and other professionals will also offer invaluable insights into their respective fields, covering educational requirements, salary ranges and the realities of practicing medicine, said officials. 

To apply for M*A*S*H Camp, interested students must complete an application form available on Ozarks Healthcare's website at www.ozarkshealthcare.com/about-us/for-community/mash-camp. A $25 application fee is required. Applications must be submitted online by May 31. 

For more information, contact Sammi Radosevich, Inside Track Careers Pathway Coordinator, at 417-505-0038.