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Donations sought to help fund 2024 WS Alumni Gathering


Willow Springs Alumni gatherings began a long time ago, first organized by Sadie Ruth Ferguson, shared Phyllis White, an alumni organizing this year’s festivities.

“There was a little cookout one evening and a banquet in the old gym the next. That went on for many years with JoAnn Bailey Russell taking the reins for several years,” White recalled. “Upon Joann’s death, I volunteered to organize the events. I observed the banquet attendance dwindling and realized the alumni mostly wanted to mingle and visit with other alumni. Having an assigned table and listening to speakers did not seem to be what most really wanted.”

Alumni gatherings had taken place Memorial Day weekend at the park next to the Star Theater, and one year, it became apparent that neither the park nor the park would be available that weekend, she said. White and her husband Tom, who is the President of Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 1218 discussed the idea of holding a cookout at the EAA hangar, ultimately determining to try it.

“That first year, there was some grumbling wanting it moved back to downtown the next year,” White remembered, noting that even so, most attendees wanted it to remain at the hangar, 810 Bryan St. in Willow Springs. “That year there was a Saturday evening banquet at the gymnasium also,” said White. “Planning two back-to-back events only one day apart is a daunting task. There are invitations to create, printing a program, hiring a caterer, food planning, decorating and so much more. Eventually, it made more sense to just have one big event on Saturday evening where everyone was free to move around the grounds, dress casually, enjoy an evening cookout and fellowship with fellow alumni members and their families.” Many attendees would bring lawn chairs and enjoy burgers, hotdogs, picnic sides, cold drinks and homemade cookies, she added.

In 2023, the event grew to 300 in attendance.

But, said White, while attendance has continued to increase, donations to help fund the gatherings have fallen short. “As you all are aware, the price of all goods has continued to skyrocket. Without generous donations from alumni, it will not be feasible to continue this type of event. After the event, some alums sent donations to help and brought the shortage down to $458,” she said of last year’s gathering.  

This year’s gathering will be held beginning at 3 p.m. May 25, once again at the hangar. Anyone who would like to donate to help offset the costs of organizing the event may do so by mailing their contribution to WSAlumni, 127 E. Main St., Willow Springs, MO 65793. Donation jars will also be available at the event, set on the buffet and cookie tables.

The menu for the gathering will include grilled burgers and hotdogs prepared by alumnus Adam Webb. They will be served with potato salad, coleslaw, chips, cookies and cold drinks.

“If you attended in 2023, you know the food line was long,” said White. “This year we will be have two lines serving four at a time to move the line along quickly. Ample parking and shuttle parking service will be offered. Remember to bring your lawn chairs.”

To better plan the food preparation, those planning to attend are asked to provide their information — name, spouse’s name, graduation year, address, phone and email address — by calling 417-469-1400 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. weekdays, or by emailing WillowSpringsAlumni@gmail.com by May 17.

“Kindly spread the word, please,” White concluded. “We are looking forward to seeing many of you May 25!”

Also happening that day that may be of interest to alumni: From 7:30-10 a.m., the Willow Springs Rotary Club will hold its annual Pancake Breakfast at United Methodist Church, 311 N. Harris St. The cost is $7 for adults and $3 for children. Finger foods will be offered at noon at Bailey Chevrolet, 720 E. Main St.

Donations are also being collected for the Willow Springs Scholarship Club. To contribute, mail to WS Scholarship Club, P.O. Box 484, Willow Springs, MO 64793, or find Scholarship Club representative Erin Brower at the May 25 alumni gathering.