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The Willow Springs Chamber of Commerce held its 2025 awards banquet on Saturday at Pine Meadows Venue, catered by Leslie’s Catering. The theme for this year’s banquet was “Taco ‘Bout Willow Springs” and tables were sprinkled with historical trivia about the city. The menu featured a taco bar. more
Ozarks Coca-Cola/Dr Pepper Bottling Company announces new leadership roles at its West Plains branch. more
The Community First Banking Company Board of Directors has announced that after 27 years, Clyde Stewart, Jr., has retired as an active board director and been named director emeritus. more
Recognizing those who go above and beyond to boost the community, the Greater West Plains Area Chamber of Commerce presented its annual awards ceremony Thursday at the West Plains Civic Center.  more
Small-scale food and farm entrepreneurs face unique challenges with business planning and marketing. To help meet these needs, University of Missouri Extension is launching “Growing Success: Marketing and Business Development for Small Farms.” Running throughout March, the evening webinar series is designed to equip attendees with practical skills and resources for success. more
Wages Brewing Company, West Plains Underground and the Avenue Theatre are teaming up to host the Move Wages Downtown Music & Beer Fest from 2 to 10 p.m. Feb. 8 at the Avenue Theatre, 307 Washington Ave. more
Welch, Couch & Company officials say they are excited to announce the addition of Allen Brinkman, certified professional accountant, as a new owner in the firm. more
Need help making sense of this year’s tax forms? Here’s a roundup of tax service providers in West Plains: more
The Ozarks Small Business Incubator, 408 Washington Ave. is set to host its first skills-based workshop of the year: QuickBooks Online for Business will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Feb. 12. more
Prospective entrepreneurs dreaming of starting their own businesses, and current business owners looking to grow their success are invited to participate in the Ozarks Small Business Incubator’s Launch *, a nine-week, hands-on training course for aspiring and early-stage business owners. more
The City of West Plains has announced there will be a planned power outage for part of town beginning at 11 p.m. today, Thursday, and estimated to last about 90 minutes. more
The Greater West Plains Area Chamber of Commerce will hold its 2024 annual awards ceremony on Jan. 23 in the exhibit hall of the West Plains Civic Center, 110 St. Louis St. more
The Willow Springs Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual awards banquet at 5 p.m. Feb. 1 at Pine Meadows Venue. more
Dave Thomas, chartered life underwriter, Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow and insurance agent representing the Shelter Insurance Companies, has been recognized as one of the top agents in the company and has earned an invitation to attend the annual Shelter Insurance Conference of Champions meeting. more
The Ozarks Small Business Incubator, 408 Washington Ave. in West Plains, will present two workshops in January: Smart Start: Developing a Successful Business, and Tax Strategy for Business. more
Vehicular transportation is a necessity for living in the rural Ozarks. However, car trouble — which can be quite expensive — comes with any vehicle. Fortunately, individuals like Tracy Green are willing to help.  more
A lucky Missouri Lottery player in Howell County rang in the New Year as a million-dollar winner. more
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