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In Derek Thompson’s cover story for The Atlantic, titled “The Anti-Social Century,” he explores a critical social trend: Americans are spending more time alone than ever before, and this shift has profound implications for our personalities, politics and overall societal health.  more
I’m pretty particular when it comes to my reading selections, but I discovered an author this week that may become one of my favorites. more
I call myself a writer and newspaper columnist, but I’m increasingly doubtful that’s my most important job. more
Rural communities are seeing a boom in renewable energy development. Whether it’s wind energy or solar energy, communities reap the benefits from increased tax revenues, new job creation and local lease payments. Better yet, communities can unlock additional benefits through Community Benefit Agreements (CBAs). more
Every week when I sit down to write this column, I try to find a naturally-occurring overarching theme. I ask myself, “What have we encountered a lot of this week?” more
Welcome back to “Chris' Corner,” where I try to steer clear of politics to focus on the common threads that connect us all. However, just this once, I need to veer slightly into that thorny territory. Not to stir the pot, but to address a deeper concern that transcends individual issues. more
Once every five years or so, we get a new television. Sometimes it's because we actually need one — like that summer when a lightning strike electrocuted several of our appliances. But most of the time, it's because Tom starts reading about the incredible picture quality on the newest TV screens, and he just can't stand it anymore. He needs to see it for himself. more
January is National Book Month, so why not get lost in a couple of great books this month to celebrate? Some of my favorite older titles in the New Year to consider: more
When it comes to being kind and helpful to your neighbors, people might wonder if it fits with liberal or conservative values. The truth is, kindness doesn’t belong to just one political side — it’s a universal idea that connects to both perspectives. more
Few sounds in winter are more unwelcome than that of a pitchfork scraping the hay loft floor. more
Recoiled and camouflaged against the aquatic vegetation they call home, the chain pickerel is a finely-tuned ambush predator that is arguably among America’s most underrated gamefish. Opinions of them are as varied as the striking emerald green chain-link patterns on their bodies, but for diehard fishermen like me who refuse to put down the stick in the middle of winter, they are a tackle-busting blessing. more
The title of this column is “Managing Expectations” and as I write this, I’m asking myself, “Whose expectations am I managing? Mine or theirs?” more
The start of a new year brings a sense of new beginnings and hope for many of us. Maybe you are like me and are vowing to give up a bad habit. Mine is cutting back on eating too many desserts! more
Sometimes, life’s most beautiful moments come not from the choices we make, but from the ones that are thrust upon us. We all know that life doesn’t always follow the path we expect. Every so often, it jolts us in a new direction, and we find ourselves somewhere we didn’t even know we wanted to go. more
I heard on the news some schools are banning cell phones. more
This morning, I stirred the white powder into a steaming mug of Earl Gray tea, watching it scatter and swirl like a freshly shaken snow globe until it melted from view. The powder is unflavored, but I added a generous dollop of honey so the tea would feel more like a treat and less like a treatment. more
Have you ever heard the saying, “When we are born, we look like our parents, but when we die, we look like our choices?” It’s a powerful reminder that while we may start life shaped by genetics and circumstances, it’s the decisions we make along the way that define us. more
Just hours after we officially entered the New Year, an evil terrorist drove a truck down Bourbon Street in New Orleans, killing at least 14 people and injuring dozens of others. After crashing his vehicle, which was flying an ISIS flag, the terrorist was shot and killed by heroic law enforcement officers who didn’t hesitate to rush toward danger to save countless lives. My heart goes out to the loved ones of the victims of this heinous terror attack. more
Every time I come back from the Missouri Farm Bureau annual meeting at Margaritaville Lake Resort, I reflect on the experience of what it is like when we all come together. While some things like themes, key topics and policy points change each year, a few standard activities provide a nice routine. From the annual pancake breakfast and silent auction, that benefit the MOFB Foundation for Agriculture, to the smiling faces of our staff at the registration tables, it’s nice to be in a familiar place, with familiar faces and have certain things where you expect them to be each year. more
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