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I’m going to get a little more personal in today’s column than I usually do, which is really saying something, because I always view these editorials as a little coffee chat. You over there on that side of the table, by the window, and me over here on this side, holding my steaming mug of dirty chai — a blend of coffee and spiced tea, for the uninitiated. It’s my favorite thing. more
Dear Readers, more
In scarcely more than a week, it seems, the verdant and overgrown woods of summer have given way to the colorful tapestry of fall. more
The longer I live, the more I realize that the Bible’s Ecclesiastes 1:9 is a very wise commentary about our lives here on Earth. “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun” rings true. Everything that happens has happened before in some form. Storytelling has shown me clearly that history, experiences, and human actions often repeat again and again. It's a way of saying that people do the same things and act in the same ways and probably always will. more
It’s hard to believe it, but somehow November is already here. Every year, it feels like the clock speeds up a little more, and before you know it, summer fades into fall, and fall barrels straight into the end of the year. Maybe there’s truth to what they say about time moving faster as we get older, or maybe it’s just the fullness of life that makes each season feel so fleeting. more
Ranked-choice voting is on the rise in the U.S., with two U.S. states and 45 U.S. cities now using some version of it. more
Dear Readers, more
Just about a year ago, I wrote a column about persimmons. I decided that I would share that column this fall with a couple of Facebook groups that I follow. I sent my writing to the Ozark County Historium which is a wonderful museum, containing a repository of books and manuscripts, a collection of antiques and quilts, and a unique gathering place located in Gainesville, Missouri. more
Displays of Halloween books and DVD’s in our library are being checked out by all ages as Oct. 31 draws near, while the “faint of heart” crowd just enjoys talking about Halloweens of our childhood. more
I take pride in calling myself an Ozarker, and indeed I am. more
Lately, there's been this unsettling thought that's been circling my brain, and it's grown into something I just can’t shake. I’ve reached a point, and I suspect I’m not alone here, where I don’t feel like I can trust the news anymore—not in the way I used to. To be clear, I’m talking about the national, mainstream media, not local news. I still have absolute faith in local reporting, but when it comes to the big networks, I’ve started questioning whether I’m really getting the whole truth. more
Dear Readers, more
From time to time, friends and acquaintances ask me if they can come watch the proceedings of the Supreme Court of Missouri in Jefferson City. I reply, “Of course, we love having people visit the Court and see us in action.”  more
“Tyler discovered his gift for communicating with the departed when he was just ten years old. After experiencing a sudden, accurate premonition of his grandmother’s death – what Tyler would later describe as his first experience of ‘knowingness’ – his life would never be the same.” (Excerpt from book) more
When I was a boy learning of life in the woods, my dad taught me to recognize animals by what they left behind — the contents of their scat. more
I recently returned from a short vacation in Iowa and Minnesota and saw the most shocking thing. Their dirt is colored brown and even black. And it’s called soil up there. And it’s everywhere- even in ditches and on the shoulders of the roads. And some of the country roads are that same dark color. more
More than a century ago, a small group of farmers came together in Slater, Missouri, determined to develop an organization to be a voice for agriculture and rural communities. Since Missouri Farm Bureau’s start in 1915, generations of county leaders brought MOFB to where it is today, serving more than 157,000 members across the state. more
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