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Community Calendar: Feb. 8 update


Know of an event not listed here? Email submissions by 9 a.m. Wednesdays to news@westplainsdailyquill.net with “CALENDAR” in the subject line. Three sentence maximum must include event description, date, time, location, cost and source for more information. Weekly events will be printed for no more than a month at a time unless renewed by the host. Call the Quill, 417-256-9191 with questions. Unless otherwise noted, events are in West Plains.


Through March 8: The West Plains Council on the Arts hosts an exhibition, “Then and Now — Artistic Journey of Ann Kulpa,” in the gallery on the mezzanine in the West Plains Civic Center, 110 St. Louis St. The public is welcome to view works during regular center hours.

Through March 31 (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. weekdays) The artwork of Barbara Williams will be on display on the first floor of the Ozarks Small Business Incubator, 408 Washington Ave.

Through March 31 (9 a.m.-6 p.m. weekdays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays) West Plains Council on the Arts will exhibit the artwork of West Plains R-7 students at the West Plains Public Library, 750 W. Broadway.

Through April 15: The West Plains Council on the Arts is acceptation submissions for a juried 2-D and 3-D exhibit for current and retired art teachers. Email photos of up to five proposed works to info@westplainsarts.org.

Through April 15: The West Plains Senior Center, 416 E. Main St., offers free tax counseling for the elderly. Call 417-256-4055 to make an appointment.


Feb. 8 (9-11 a.m.) A 4-H and FFA youth steer weigh-in will be held at the Heart of the Ozarks Fairgrounds.

Feb. 8 (2-10 p.m.) The Move Wages Downtown Music & Beer Fest will be held at the Avenue Theatre, 307 Washington Ave. with live music, food and drinks. Tickets are $15 for general, all-ages admission; $25 for 21 and older with a taster glass for sampling; and $35 for 21 and older with a pint glass for sampling. Purchase online at wagesbrewco.com/store or in person at West Plains Music Store, 18 Court Square. Follow the “Move Wages Downtown Music & Beer Fest” event page on Facebook for updates.


Feb. 10 (noon to 1 p.m.) The West Plains Council on the Arts’ monthly Lunch With Art in the Community Room at the West Plains Public Library, 750 W. Broadway will offer information from the Arts Alliance about upcoming activities. A presentation will be given by Ozarks Heritage Research Center representative Rebekah McKinney, council President Kathleen Morrisey and library Manager Dr. Greg Carter. The topic will be “African American Read-in,” a program featuring African American artists. Cost of the lunch is $10 for council members, $15 for others. Reservations may be online through the Lunch with Art Facebook event page, by texting Paula at 417-293-2325 or emailing info@westplainsarts.org.


Feb. 11 (5:30-8 p.m.) Howell County MU Extension Agronomy Field Specialist Haley Schwantz and Livestock Field Specialist Elizabeth Picking will lead a soil and grazing management workshop at the extension, 1376 Bill Virdon Blvd. Learn how to sample soil and interpret test results and use manure as a fertilizer source, and learn about grazing methods. Cost is $10. Pizza and refreshments will be provided. Register by Feb. 7 by calling 417-256-2391 or going online to extension.missouri.edu/events/soil-and-grazing management.

Feb. 11, March 18, April 8 (6-8 p.m.) Ozarks Healthcare offers Heart Saver Infant CPR classes, recommended for new parents in the third trimester of pregnancy or after infant birth up to a year. Classes are free to parents planning to deliver at OZH Women’s Center, or for those planing to deliver elsewhere, a one-time $75 fee to attend one or all classes will be charged. Classes are held in the Women’s Center Education Room, 1100 Kentucky Ave. Tours will be offered after classes for interested parents.

Feb. 11 (6:30-8:30 p.m.) The West Plains Council on the Arts will host a workshop led by artist Tara Shahan in the Dogwood rooms of the West Plains Civic Center, 110 St. Louis St. The cost is $35 and includes all supplies. Participants will create their own paisley gossiping checkins out of dipper gourds. Register online through the Eventbrite link posted to the “Gossiping Chicken Gourd Workshop” Facebook event page, text 417-293-2325 or email info@westplainsarts.org.


Feb. 12 (9 a.m.-4 p.m.) OzSBI, 408 Washington Ave., will host a workshop, “Quickbooks Online for Business” presented by Ila Slown with customizable onsite assistance available to those who register. Learn features and functions of QuickBooks online, basic accounting principles, navigating QuickBooks online, recording financial date and understanding the report dashboard and how to generate reports. Register online at www.ozsbi.com/events or call 417-256-9724.

Feb. 12 (noon): The Mtn. View Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly luncheon at Los Amigos Mexican Restaurant, 112 E. First St., Mtn. View. Guest speaker is Tressa Price of Agape House. The public is welcome to attend. All are requested to RSVP to ensure enough space is allotted for accommodations. RSVP at chambermvmo@gmail.com.

Feb. 12 (1 and 4 p.m.) Grizzly Baseball vs. Mission JV, Zizzer Ballpark, Howell Avenue.


Feb. 13 (9-11 a.m.) The Howell County Health Department, 180 Kentucky Ave., will host a free diabetic education class in a small group setting. The class is a series of four monthly sessions, with a $25 Casey’s gas card presented at the last of the four classes. Snacks will be provided. Registration is required and may be done by calling 417-256-7078.

Feb. 13 (12:30-4:30 p.m.) The Red Cross will hold a blood drive at the West Plains Civic Center, 110 St. Louis St. Appointments may be made by calling 800-RED-CROSS or going online to redcrossblood.org. Donors with O+ and O- blood types are needed.

Feb. 13 (5:30 p.m.) The Lincoln School Project will host a presentation by Dr. Edward Williamson on George Washington Carver at Lincoln School, 1400 Pony Thomas Street. RSVP by emailing lincolnschool65775@gmail.com or sending a message to @thelincolnschoolproject on Facebook Messenger.

Feb. 13, April 10, June 12 (6-8 p.m.) Ozarks Healthcare offers New Parent Skills classes, recommended for new parents in the third trimester of pregnancy. Classes are free to parents planning to deliver at OZH Women’s Center, or for those planing to deliver elsewhere, a one-time $75 fee to attend one or all classes will be charged. Classes are held in the Women’s Center Education Room, 1100 Kentucky Ave. Tours will be offered after classes for interested parents.


Feb. 14 and 21: Red Carpet Day for area high school juniors and seniors at MSU-WP. Program features informational sessions, walking tour of campus and complimentary lunch. For more information or to register, call 417-255-7955.

Feb. 14 (noon to 1 p.m.) Friends of the Garnett Library monthly meeting and luncheon, Garnett Library, 304 W. Trish Knight St. Guest speaker Carol Silvey will present “A Wise Idea: A Seasoned Scholars Institute.” For more information, call 417-255-7940.


Feb. 15 (9 a.m. to noon) Twin Pines Conservation Education Center in Winona will host a prescribed burn demonstration field day for those who have completed the online course at www.hunter-ed.com/prescribed burn. There is a $25 charge for the online course, which can be completed in two to four hours. Participants should bring their certificates of completion and mileage sheet to the field day at Twin Pines. A burn will be conducted, so dress accordingly with leather boots and gloves, cotton pants and long-sleeve shirts and safety glasses. Sign up online by going to mdc-event-web.s3licensing.com, selecting “Shannon” in the drop-down menu labeled “County,” and clicking search to scroll and find the event listed.

Feb. 15-March 15 (noon to 4 p.m. Thursdays through Sundays) The Harlin Museum, 405 Worcester St., holds its annual photography show. Admission to view the exhibit is free.

Feb. 15 (1 and 4 p.m.) Grizzly Baseball vs. Spoon River, Zizzer Ballpark, Howell Avenue.

Feb. 15 (2-4 p.m.) The West Plains Council on the Arts will host a reception for the exhibit, “Then and Now — Artistic Journey of Ann Kulpa,” in the gallery on the mezzanine of the West Plains Civic Center, 110 St. Louis St. All are invited to attend, meet Kulpa and discuss her works.

Feb. 15 (5-6:30 p.m.) Grizzly Homecoming Gathering for alumni and friends at KC’s Sports Bistro, 409 Washington Ave. Enjoy hors d’oeuvres and Grizzly cocktails before the annual Grizzly Homecoming Game. No charge to attend, but registration is required and may be completed online at alumni.missouristate.edu/grizzlygathering.

Feb. 15 (7 p.m.) Annual Grizzly Homecoming Game vs. Mineral Area College at the West Plains Civic Center, 110 St. Louis St. Homecoming King and Queen will be crowned at halftime.

Feb. 15 (7 p.m.) Native Souls will perform hard rock in concert at the Avenue Theatre, 307 Washington Ave. Tickets are $10 at the door or may be purchased online at theavenuetheatre.org.

Feb. 16 (1 and 4 p.m.) Grizzly Baseball vs. Spoon River, Zizzer Ballpark, Howell Avenue.

Feb. 17: Presidents Day. All government offices will be closed. MSU-WP campus will be closed and no classes will be held.

Feb. 18, March 11, April 15 (6-8 p.m.) Ozarks Healthcare offers Preparing for Breastfeeding classes for expectant mothers. Classes are free to parents planning to deliver at OZH Women’s Center, or for those planing to deliver elsewhere, a one-time $75 fee to attend one or all classes will be charged. Classes are held in the Women’s Center Education Room, 1100 Kentucky Ave. Tours will be offered after classes for interested parents.

Feb. 19 (5:30 p.m.) Ozarks Healthcare will hold a community education dinner at the Mtn. Grove YMCA, 1 YMCA Drive. Cardiologist Dr. Muhammad Khan will discuss advanced heart care over a complimentary dinner. Reservations are required and may be made by calling 417-256-9111 ext. 6735.


Feb. 22 (8 a.m.-4 p.m.) Ozarks Summit will host a R.A.I.S.E. Workshop with Convoy of Hope at the West Plains Civic Center, 110 St. Louis St. Churches wishing to participate may register online at forms.monday.com/forms/5125cac1fd2f68bcb7b9c5dad4446f83.

Feb. 22 (6-9 p.m.) The Lincoln School Project will host a special Black History Month performance by the Lincoln University Vocal Ensemble at Dev’s Steakhouse Performance Hall, 37 Court Square. Tickets are $180 per six-seat table or $35 per person and include a pasta dinner. Purchase online at LincolnSchoolProject.com under the “Donate” tab. For more information email lincolnschool65775@gmail.com or call 281-706-3420.

Feb. 24-28: People can receive free heart health screenings at Ozarks Healthcare Family locations. Screenings include a lipid panel, glucose, A1C and blood pressure check. Call the Alton clinic at 417-778-7227; Gainesville, 417-679-4613; Mtn. Grove, 417-926-6563; Mtn. View, 417-934-2273; Thayer, 417-265-7136; West Plains Family Medicine, 417-257-5911; West Plains Family Care, 417-255-8645; or Winona, 573-325-4237.

Feb. 24 (5:30 p.m.) The Lincoln School Project will host a presentation by the Justice for Celia Coalition on the legacy of Celia Newsom, including the family’s reaction to her pardon made by former Gov. Mike Parson. The session will be held at Lincoln School, 1400 Pony Thomas Drive. RSVP by emailing lincolnschool65775@gmail.com or sending a message to @thelincolnschoolproject on Facebook Messenger.

Feb. 25 (10 a.m.) An African American Read-in event will be held at the West Plains Public Library, 750 W. Main St. A children’s book written by an African American author will be read during children’s story time.

Feb. 26 (5:30 p.m.) Ozarks Healthcare will hold a community education dinner in the West Plains High School cafeteria, 602 E. Olden St. Cardiologist Dr. Hussain Ibrahim will share his insights on heart health over a free dinner. Reservations are required and may be made by calling 417-256-9111 ext. 6735.

Feb. 26 (6 p.m.) An African American Read-in event will be held at Garnett Library, 304 W. Trish Knight St. Excerpts from “James” by Percival Everett will be read. The novel is a reimagining of Huckleberry Finn from Jim’s perspective, exploring themes of slavery, identity and freedom.

Feb. 27 (10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) MSU-WP will host a Career Fair at the Student Recreation Center, 323 W. Trish Knight St. The free event welcomes students, alumni and community members to network with employers to explore career opportunities and apply for available positions onsite. Dress professionally and bring an updated resume. Employers from all industries are invited and may contact Career Services Director Lindsey Hicks at 417-255-7230 or wpcareer@missouristate.edu.

Feb. 27 (4-5 p.m. [virtual] and 6-7:30 p.m. [in-person]) Twin Pines Conservation Education Center in Winona will host Nature Art: Pine Needlers, a 12-month project group meeting through May using embroidery techniques to explore Missouri’s native wildflowers. By signing up, you are committing to all 12 months. Registration required. Sign up online by going to mdc-event-web.s3licensing.com, selecting “Shannon” in the drop-down menu labeled “County,” and clicking search to scroll and find the event listed.

Feb. 28 (8 .m.) Check-in begins for the annual MSU-WP welding competition, open to area high school juniors and seniors participating in welding programs. The contest will be at Pace Industrial Science Center, 218 W. Broadway, and competition starts at 9 a.m. Register online at wp.missouristate.edu/workforce; scroll down to “Welding Competition” and click “Register Now.” A school sponsor or instructor is required for students to register; those who are homeschooled or not currently attending high school should email trevorcressman@missouristate.edu for more information.

Feb. 28 (5:30 p.m.) Ozarks Healthcare will hold a community education dinner at the Thayer High School cafeteria, 401 E. Walnut St. in Thayer. Cardiologist Dr. A.K. George will discuss heart health and care over a complimentary dinner. Reservations are required and may be made by calling 417-256-9111 ext. 6735.


March 1 (8:30 a.m.-3 p.m.) Twin Pines Conservation Education Center in Winona will host Historic and Primitive Skills: Primitive Arrow Making. Learn to make a primitive arrow with hand tools using Native American techniques and materials native to Missouri such as river cane, turkey feathers, deer sinew and pine pitch. Bring leather gloves and a pocketknife. Blue jeans are recommended to be worn. Materials will be provided, but participants may bring preferred personal resources. Sign up online by going to mdc-event-web.s3licensing.com, selecting “Shannon” in the drop-down menu labeled “County,” and clicking search to scroll and find the event listed.

March 6 (5:30 p.m.) The annual meeting of the Howell County Council of University of Missouri Extension will be held in the extension office, 1376 Bill Virdon Blvd. A light meal will be served and a program will begin at 6 p.m. with the presentation of the State Fair Farm Family, Missouri Century Farm family and Leader’s Honor Roll recipient. Newly elected officers will be sworn in. RSVP by calling 417-256-2391 or emailing howellco@missouri.edu with attendees’ names by March 3.

March 8 (7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.) The 14th annual Salem High School Beta Bass Tournament will take place at the Henderson, Ark., boat ramp, where registration, takeoff and weigh-in will all be held. Day-of registration is open from 6 to 7:25 a.m. The cost to enter is $100 per boat plus $10 for an optional trash fish pot. Cash awards will be given. All proceeds go toward Salem High School Beta Club. For more information call or text Kim at 870-750-1039 or follow “Salem Greyhounds Beta Club” on Facebook.

March 8, May 10 (8 a.m. to noon) Ozarks Healthcare offers Prepared Childbirth classes, recommended for new parents in the second trimester of pregnancy. Classes are free to parents planning to deliver at OZH Women’s Center, or for those planing to deliver elsewhere, a one-time $75 fee to attend one or all classes will be charged. Classes are held in the Women’s Center Education Room, 1100 Kentucky Ave. Tours will be offered after classes for interested parents.

March 10 and 11: Glenwood School will hold preschool and kindergarten screenings by appointment. Call the office at 417-256-4849 to schedule an appointment.

March 11, June 10, Sept. 9, Dec. 9 (8-11 a.m.) Ozarks Healthcare Laboratory Services offers low-cost lab screenings at OZH locations in Alton, Gainesville, Mtn. Grove, Mtn. View, Thayer, Winona, and OZH Family Care, 1307 Porter Wagoner Blvd., and the walk-in clinic at 181 N. Kentucky, Suite 100, in West Plains. Available screenings: CBC, CMP, A1C and Lipid panel; prostate cancer; thyroid; and vitamin D. Call 417-257-6736 for more information.

March 7 (noon to 1:30 p.m.) A legislative luncheon sponsored by Howell-Oregon Electric Cooperative will be held in the Magnolia Room of the West Plains Civic Center, 110 St. Louis Street. Register by March 7 by emailing info@wpchamber.com.

March 15 (2 p.m.) A meet-and-greet reception for photographers whose works are exhibited in the Harlin Museum annual Photography Show, plus their guests, will be held, followed by an award ceremony at 3:30 p.m. at the museum, 405 Worcester St.

March 29 (9 a.m. to noon) A 4-H and FFA youth small-animal weigh-in will be held at the Heart of the Ozarks Fairgrounds.


April 9 (8 a.m.-4 p.m.) and 10 (8 a.m. to noon) West Plains R-7 School District will host kindergarten screenings at the West Plains Civic Center, 110 St. Louis St. for children living within West Plains Elementary and South Fork Elementary school districts who will be 5 by Aug. 1. The Howell County Health Department will be on hand to give immunizations. Make an appointment by calling 417-256-6158 for West Plains Elementary or 417-256-2836 for South Fork.

April 10 (noon to 4 p.m.) and 11 (8 a.m.-4 p.m.) West Plains R-7 School District will host preschool screenings at the West Plains Civic Center, 110 St. Louis St. for children living within West Plains Elementary and South Fork Elementary school districts who will be 4 by Aug. 1. The Howell County Health Department will be on hand to give immunizations. Make an appointment by calling 417-256-6158 for West Plains Elementary or 417-256-2836 for South Fork.

April 11 (9:30, 10:25 and 11:15 a.m.) High school students from across the region will gather at MSU-WP to participate in the annual Interscholastic Contest, in its 37th year. For participation information contact Anna Estrella at anaestrellariollano@missouristate.edu or 417-255-7710, Jessica Banning at jessicabarton@missouristate.edu or 417-255-7254, or the contest committee at wpisc@missouristate.edu.

April 11-12: Save the date for the Salem Home and Garden Show at the Fulton County Fairgrounds in Salem, Ark. Details to be announced. For more information, contact Renee at Mustard Seed Nursery and Landscaping by phone, 870-656-7724, or email, mustardseedmomma@yahoo.com.

April 17-19: West Plains Citywide Yard Sale. Permit fees for yard sales are waived.

April 21-25: West Plains Citywide Cleanup Week.

April 28: Richards School will hold preschool screenings at its early childhood center, 3075 Holiday Lane, for children turning 4 by Aug. 1. Schedule an appointment by calling 417-256-5239.

April 30: Richards School will hold kindergarten screenings at its early childhood center, 3075 Holiday Lane, for children turning 5 by Aug. 1. Schedule an appointment by calling 417-256-5239.


May 3 (9:30 a.m.-2 p.m.) The Paws for a Cause Pet show and Festival at the West Plains Civic Center, 110 St. Louis St., aims to raise funds for Ozarks Pet Rescue. There are 8 competition categories, and a variety of vendors. Prospective vendors and contestants can learn more at “Paws for a Cause” on Facebook, or email jlcarroll15@icloud.com or call/text 417-293-2551. Vendors must sign up by April 15.

May 13, June 17, July 8, Aug. 19(6-8 p.m.) Ozarks Healthcare offers Preparing for Breastfeeding classes for expectant mothers. Classes are free to parents planning to deliver at OZH Women’s Center, or for those planing to deliver elsewhere, a one-time $75 fee to attend one or all classes will be charged. Classes are held in the Women’s Center Education Room, 1100 Kentucky Ave. Tours will be offered after classes for interested parents.

May 17-June 21: The West Plains Council on the Arts will host a 2-D and 3-D exhibit for current and retired art teachers in the gallery on the mezzanine in the West Plains Civic Center, 110 St. Louis St.

May 20, June 10, July 15, Aug. 12 (6-8 p.m.) Ozarks Healthcare offers Heart Saver Infant CPR classes, recommended for new parents in the third trimester of pregnancy or after infant birth up to a year. Classes are free to parents planning to deliver at OZH Women’s Center, or for those planing to deliver elsewhere, a one-time $75 fee to attend one or all classes will be charged. Classes are held in the Women’s Center Education Room, 1100 Kentucky Ave. Tours will be offered after classes for interested parents.

May 24 (2-4 p.m.) A meet-the-artists event for current and retired art teachers whose works are on display will be hosted by the West Plains Council on the Arts in the gallery on the mezzanine at the West Plains Civic Center, 110 St. Louis St. All are invited to attend, meet the artists and discuss the pieces.

May 31 (6 p.m.) The Boys & Girls Club of Greater West Plains presents West Plains first-ever Masked Singer contest at Rubydoo’s Vintage Events Center, 9240 County Road 9190. Can you guess who’s behind the mask? The event features dinner, a silent auction, giveaway drawings and a costume contest. Tickets are $60 in advance or $75 at the door; a table for eight may be reserved for $750. Sponsorships are available. Reserve tickets on Eventbrite under “Masked Singer Masquerade.” For more information call 417-204-2582.

June 1-7: The Heart of the Ozarks Fair will be held at the fairgrounds on North U.S. 63.

July 12, Sept. 13, Nov. 8 (8 a.m. to noon) Ozarks Healthcare offers Prepared Childbirth classes, recommended for new parents in the second trimester of pregnancy. Classes are free to parents planning to deliver at OZH Women’s Center, or for those planing to deliver elsewhere, a one-time $75 fee to attend one or all classes will be charged. Classes are held in the Women’s Center Education Room, 1100 Kentucky Ave. Tours will be offered after classes for interested parents.

Aug. 14, Oct. 9, Dec. 11 (6-8 p.m.) Ozarks Healthcare offers New Parent Skills classes, recommended for new parents in the third trimester of pregnancy. Classes are free to parents planning to deliver at OZH Women’s Center, or for those planing to deliver elsewhere, a one-time $75 fee to attend one or all classes will be charged. Classes are held in the Women’s Center Education Room, 1100 Kentucky Ave. Tours will be offered after classes for interested parents.

Sept. 9, Oct. 21, Nov. 11, Dec. 16 (6-8 p.m.) Ozarks Healthcare offers Preparing for Breastfeeding classes for expectant mothers. Classes are free to parents planning to deliver at OZH Women’s Center, or for those planing to deliver elsewhere, a one-time $75 fee to attend one or all classes will be charged. Classes are held in the Women’s Center Education Room, 1100 Kentucky Ave. Tours will be offered after classes for interested parents.

Sept. 16, Oct. 14, Nov. 18, Dec. 9 (6-8 p.m.) Ozarks Healthcare offers Heart Saver Infant CPR classes, recommended for new parents in the third trimester of pregnancy or after infant birth up to a year. Classes are free to parents planning to deliver at OZH Women’s Center, or for those planing to deliver elsewhere, a one-time $75 fee to attend one or all classes will be charged. Classes are held in the Women’s Center Education Room, 1100 Kentucky Ave. Tours will be offered after classes for interested parents.

Oct. 17-18: The Ozarks Heritage Festival celebration of traditional Ozarks music and arts will be held in downtown West Plains.

Nov. 17-24: Save the date for Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift collections.