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Diaper Resource Center receives tax credits


The West Plains Diaper Resource Center (DRC) has applied for and received tax credits through the State of Missouri Diaper Bank Tax Credit program. The credits are available to Missouri taxpayers who make a qualified contribution to DRC by Dec. 31.

Those who can receive the credits include “a person, firm, partner in a firm, corporation or a shareholder in an S corporation doing business in the state of Missouri and subject to the state income tax.” This is according to the Missouri Department of Social Services which administers the program. There are certain other entities which also qualify. Donations of cash or checks will be accepted by DRC, with contributors receiving a tax credit of up to 50% for a contribution of $100 or more.

Officials with DRC say this is a huge opportunity for the community to help the organization with its mission to address diaper need in Howell County. Nationally, estimates are that at least 1 in 3 families struggle to provide enough diapers each day to keep their babies clean and dry. Locally, the number is likely higher, as the requests for diapers by families needing help has tripled in the past five years.

There are many circumstances which can create diaper need, and whatever those circumstances are, babies need clean and dry bottoms to stay healthy and happy and to reduce stress in families, say DRC officials. DRC has, since its inception, been focused on babies with a stated mission “to furnish local distributing agencies with diapers for at-risk, early childhood youth to enhance the families’ resources and improve their well-being.” What this means in practice, officials explain, is that DRC gathers, most often by purchasing diapers in bulk using contributed funds, and then distributes disposable and cloth diapers to eight Howell County nonprofits who in turn distribute to individuals, all free of charge.

DRC has distributed 418,525 disposable diapers since the organization was founded in 2015. Over 115 cloth diaper kits have been distributed free of charge from 2019 to date.

Because of increased needs and the goal that DRC hopes to continue in a sustainable manner in the future, the group believes the tax credit program can help provide a means of achieving its objectives. There are currently no federal or other state programs which assist with the purchase of diapers, and the tax credit program, unless taken up again by the Missouri Legislature, will sunset at the end of the year, so DRC officials say now is the time to help meet local diaper need while taking advantage of generous tax credits.

Diaper Resource Center-West Plains is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Those who wish to contribute or get more information about the tax credits may inquire via email at diaperresourcecenter@gmail.com, by phone to 417-256-6147, or by mail at P.O. Box 1773, West Plains, MO 65775.