Torie Collins snapped this photo of her son Sawyer rolling up a large snowball on the family’s property in north West Plains.
This snow-covered spruce was submitted by Torie Collins, West Plains.
Emily Gibson, Peace Valley, shared this photo of deer in the snow on her property.
A flock of chickadees and some cardinals gather around Emily Gibson’s bird feeders after Friday’s snow in Peace Valley.
This Peace Valley property strikes a peaceful chord in the newly-fallen snow. Submitted by Emily Gibson.
Janice Gunter-Moss, West Plains, shared this photo of a partially frozen creek that runs behind her house.
The Bassham family’s peacock added a splash of color to the their snow-covered farm in Lanton.
Missy Bassham shared this photo of her 16-year-old son Jacob Bassham feeding calves in the freshly-fallen snow Friday on the family farm in Lanton.
Linda Hatcher shared this picturesque scene captured from her front door on her property on ZZ Highway/County Road 8240 in West Plains. The property, she said, used to be owned by Richard Sharp and his family and is well-known in the area. It is now owned by Hatcher and her husband, Scott.
Linda Hatcher shared this picturesque scene captured from her front door on her property on ZZ Highway/County Road 8240 in West Plains. The property, she said, used to be owned by Richard Sharp and his family and is well-known in the area. It is now owned by Hatcher and her husband, Scott.
Regular Quill contributor Sue Neitzel snapped this photo of some cattle in the snow across the road from her rural West Plains home.
As heavy snow fell on Friday in rural West Plains, visibility was at times reduced, but this barn snapped by Sue Neitzel stood out in its surroundings.
Braylen Thompson, Pomona, snapped this picture of his pup, Oakley, playing in the snow.
Sheryl Roberts shared this photo of the pristine snowfall taken Friday on her property 5 miles east of West Plains.
Ryan Clark and daughter Arabella enjoyed time in the snow Friday in Mtn. Home, Ark. Clark’s aunt Sheryl Roberts, West Plains, shared the photo.
Trish Hardman, West Plains, shared this photo of father-son duo Dagen, right, and Harrison Kenslow playing in the snow Friday.
Joy Pace, West Plains, shared this photo of her daughter, Mayella, 4, sledding in the snow Friday at Butler Children’s Park in West Plains.
Joy Pace, West Plains, shared this photo of her daughter, Mayella, 4, playing in the snow Friday at Butler Children’s Park.
Joy Pace, West Plains, shared this photo of her children, Mayella, 4, and Jackson, 13, playing in the snow Friday at Butler Children’s Park.
Joy Pace, West Plains, shared this photo of her son Jackson, 13, playing with a friend in the snow Friday at Butler Children’s Park.
Sheryl Roberts shared this photo of the pristine snowfall taken Friday on her property 5 miles east of West Plains.
West Plains High School science, technology, math and engineering teacher Nathan Fleming took advantage of Friday’s snow day to take on a very meticulous engineering project: building an elaborate snow castle. His wife Sylvia (Cochran) Fleming shared this photo.
Stacy Hutchinson, West Plains, said she and son Malachi had a great time in the snow Friday.
Stacy Hutchinson, West Plains, said she and son Malachi had a great time in the snow Friday.
Stacy Hutchinson, West Plains, said she and son Malachi had a great time in the snow Friday.
Stacy Hutchinson, West Plains, said she and son Malachi had a great time in the snow Friday.
Even teachers get to enjoy snow days. Ashley Schultz, kindergarten teacher at West Plains Elementary, spent Friday capturing memories made by her family in the snow. Here, her daughter Natalie pushes, from left, dad Nick, the family’s dog Lady and big sister Eva Schultz on a sled in their West Plains neighborhood.
Sarah Martin, West Plains, shared this photo of her children, Gabriel Smith, 9, and Zady Smith, 2, playing in the snow.
Zady Smith, 2, makes a snow angel Friday in West Plains, where about 5 inches of snow reportedly fell. Her mom, Sarah Martin, snapped this photo.
Kamisha Boyles shared this picture of her boys Oliver, 5, and Liam, 3, with their Olaf-inspired snowman. The family lives in Peace Valley.
Detta Ramey recently moved to the area from South Carolina and jumped at her first chance to play in the snow, wasting no time in building a snowman, which she named “Puddles.” She and her partner own U’d-all Love it Here RV Retreat in Udall.
Brian Miley, assistant Missouri Department of Transportation supervisor in West Plains, enjoyed time in the snow with his son Maddox, 13, before heading back to work clearing roads on the overnight shift Friday and Saturday. The photos were shared by Brian’s proud wife and Maddox’s mom, Tess Miley. The family lives at Arrowhead Lake.
Brian Miley, assistant Missouri Department of Transportation supervisor in West Plains, enjoyed time in the snow with his son Maddox, 13, before heading back to work clearing roads on the overnight shift Friday and Saturday. The photos were shared by Brian’s proud wife and Maddox’s mom, Tess Miley. The family lives at Arrowhead Lake.
Brian Miley, assistant Missouri Department of Transportation supervisor in West Plains, enjoyed time in the snow with his son Maddox, 13, before heading back to work clearing roads on the overnight shift Friday and Saturday. The photos were shared by Brian’s proud wife and Maddox’s mom, Tess Miley. The family lives at Arrowhead Lake.
Brian Miley, assistant Missouri Department of Transportation supervisor in West Plains, enjoyed time in the snow with his son Maddox, 13, before heading back to work clearing roads on the overnight shift Friday and Saturday. The photos were shared by Brian’s proud wife and Maddox’s mom, Tess Miley. The family lives at Arrowhead Lake.
Brian Miley, assistant Missouri Department of Transportation supervisor in West Plains, enjoyed time in the snow with his son Maddox, 13, before heading back to work clearing roads on the overnight shift Friday and Saturday. The photos were shared by Brian’s proud wife and Maddox’s mom, Tess Miley. The family lives at Arrowhead Lake.
Young Weston took a break from playing in Friday’s snow long enough to let his uncle Travis Rhoads snap this photo of him.
Quill staffer Travis Rhoads shared this photo of niece Abigail building a snowman during the snow day Friday.
Who’s taller? It’s hard to say, but little Emilia, niece of Quill customer service representative Travis Rhoads, may have a slight height advantage over the snowman.
Jacob Skiles and son Bennett took advantage of Friday’s snowfall to go sledding in this photo snapped by Travis Rhoads, stepbrother-in-law of Skiles and uncle to Bennett.
Quill staffer and proud dad Travis Rhoads shared this photo of 4-month-old daughter Kennedy’s first snow day. Equally proud is mom Leah Rhoads.
Quill customer service representative Travis Rhoads shared this photo of his nieces and nephews taken Friday during the snow day. From left: Bennett, Abigail, Weston, Olivia and Emilia in the sled.
Uncle Travis Rhoads snapped this photo of niece Olivia putting the finishing touches on her snowman.
Theodore B. Smith, held here by his mother, was born at 3:23 a.m. Jan. 3 at Ozarks Healthcare’s Women’s Center on Jan. 3, to parents Matthew Smith and Katrina Long. Dr. Tony Lam, right, delivered Theodore, the first baby born in 2025 at the center. 2
Millie and Maren McKee, children of Jessica McKee of West Plains, who shared these photos, and the family’s cat Graythorne took time Friday to play in the snow.
Janet Hawkins of West Plains shared this photo of her dog, Hadassah, noting the pooch “loves the snow.” Howell County received between 4 1/2 inches and 6 1/2 inches of snow Friday, varying in locations.