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Judges reverse Judge Privette’s order to sell parkland


To the editor:

After 277 days of deliberation, Southern Appeals Court Judges Goodman, Bates and Francis are telling Missourians not to look at the entire trial court transcript and the laws which Judge Privette based his decision on in Oregon County Circuit Court.

They are saying, “Look over here, in our opinion, DNR State Parks is above those laws and facts. As a result, the laws they recognize totally unbridles DNR State Park bureaucrats.”

Now, the landowners should appeal, and the Missouri Supreme Court should take up the case and provide a final opinion.  

Missourians deserve no less than a Supreme Court look at this important legal case involving the spending of millions of public dollars.   

[Editor’s note: The 250-page transcript of the McGibney vs. DNR appeal referenced in this letter is attached in the left right corner of this letter.


Mike Dethrow 
Retired State Representative, District 153



West Plains Daily Quill, Eleven Point State Park, Oregon County, letters to the Quill, letters to the editor, opinions