To the editor:
This letter is written to West Plains R-7 School District students, staff, parents, guardians and community members as a collaborative effort between the school district, the West Plains Police Department, the Howell County Sheriff’s Office and the 37th Judicial Circuit Juvenile Division.
You are likely aware of the threats and concerning posts circulating on social media around the region and the country. While the recent posts have not been directed to the West Plains R-7 School District, they have been a cause for concern in our community and we are closely monitoring these situations. As a community, we must all work together to educate our children, students and caregivers regarding the proper action to take when encountering a threatening post on social media.
We ask that parents and guardians have age-appropriate and meaningful conversations with students regarding acceptable use of social media. If a student is made aware of a threat to the safety of our school, it is essential they report, don’t repost.
Quickly reporting a safety concern is the only way to ensure the proper authorities are involved and a thorough investigation can be conducted in a timely manner. Reporting can occur through a variety of methods: call the police department or sheriff’s office, notify a school administrator or report the threat through the Courage 2 Report system that we have previously sent information on. Students should screenshot the message they receive and retain as much information as possible about the origin and contents of the message. Report, don’t repost.
Reposting threatening or alarming information can lead to severe consequences, both legally and in terms of disciplinary action. When a message is reposted, it is more difficult to investigate its origin and validity. Unfortunately , many social media posts are making their way into our community from around the country due to people reposting and sometimes adding to them. Report, don’t repost.
Further, please discourage your children from sending threatening messages to others through social media or text. All messages containing threatening language or images will be taken very seriously and could result in legal and disciplinary action. What our children post on social media now can have a lasting impact on their future and on our community.
Our organizations are fully committed to ensuring the safety of our school community. We believe that open lines of communication, education and transparency result in the safest environment possible. If you have any concerns, we urge you to reach out to your child’s school or law enforcement rather than trying to seek answers on social media.
Together, we will ensure our school and community remain a safe environment for our students to learn and to grow.