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A look at whole grains and nutrition


Did you know that the recommended intake for fiber is 20 to 35 grams per day? The average American usually gets half of that or less.

Diets high in fiber can help lower cholesterol, keep blood glucose at normal levels and reduce risks of certain cancers. Ways to increase intake of fiber include eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, increase whole grains and eat fiber-rich legumes.

WIC (Women, Infants and Children) clients receive a food package that provides food like fruit and vegetables, beans and whole grain breads. In addition, many WIC-approved cereals are whole grain.

To learn more about WIC services or to see if you or someone you know, visit howellcountyhealth.com/wic-nutrition-program-women-infants-and-children or call 417-256-7078.