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America will be 401 years old in Nov.


That’s right. On November 11, 1620, the Pilgrims from Holland landed in America and signed the “Compact” “America’s First Constitution.”  This document laid the foundation for the Independence and Freedom we cherish to this day.
Those who signed the document, called the Mayflower Compact, made a commitment to govern themselves. For the first time in history, they united “together into a civil body politic ...to enact...such just and equal laws...unto which” they promised  “all due...obedience .”
As we continue the celebration of the birth of America, the Liberty Tree Society, Walpole, NH, is offering to send you, at no cost, a Mayflower Compact Certificate.  Two certificates are offered; The Mayflower Descendants Certificate has a blank lineage panel which descendants fill in or if individuals send a list complete with names and birthdates of ancestors Liberty Tree Society will fill it in and email it to you. The certificate is suitable for framing.
Those interested in history but, who are not Mayflower descendants, may request a Mayflower Certificate without the lineage panel.
The Liberty Tree Society seeks to celebrate the Liberty Tree of Boston where 150 years later, after landing in Plymouth, Massachusetts, descendants of the Compact signers rallied around the Liberty Tree and organized the Revolution which set them free. More information about the society is available at their website www.libertytreesociety.org
Call (603)209-2434 if you have questions or would like more information.