West Plains area businesses, schools, churches, clubs and other organizations are invited to take part in the Neon Parade, set for 7:30 p.m. April 6. Sponsored by Midway Towing, it is one of the “Party in the Path” events to celebrate the upcoming total solar eclipse in West Plains on April 8.
In addition to local entries, the parade will feature the world-famous Budweiser Clydesdales presented by Great Rivers Distributing. The grand marshal is KY3 meteorologist Brandon Beck, sponsored by Ozarks Healthcare Foundation.
For those wishing to enter a float for competition and the chance to win prize money, there are three categories: 1980s, science-fiction and “open” to include float themes of the entrants’ choosing. Southern Bank is the grand prize sponsor for the parade. Mega Motorsports is sponsoring the first and second place prizes for both the 1980s and sci-fi categories. Taylor Grubaugh Chevrolet is the first place prize sponsor for the open category. Second place sponsorship is still available for the open category, said organizers.
Those wishing to participate in the parade in any capacity, either as a competitive float or noncompetitive entrant, will need to fill out a parade entry form which is available at the bottom of the Total Solar Eclipse page on the Explore West Plains website, explorewestplains.com/tse, or by contacting the West Plains Chamber of Commerce, 417-256-4433.
The chamber is providing volunteer assistance for organizing the parade which will follow the typical route of the Christmas parade, starting on West Main Street, traveling around the south side of Court Square and going down East Main Street to disband at the West Plains Civic Center.
Find out more about what will be happening during all four days of the Party in the Path by liking and following “Explore West Plains” and “Eclipse West Plains” on Facebook and by visiting explorewestplains.com/tse.
For other information, including sponsorship opportunities, contact the Ozark Heritage Welcome Center at tourism@westplains.gov or 417-256-8835.