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City of Mtn. View to hold public hearing on wastewater rates today


Mtn. View City Council will hold a public hearing to discuss wastewater user charge rates at 5 p.m. today at the Mtn. View Community Center Building, 125 W. First St.

The public hearing will be followed by a regular city council meeting at 6 p.m. at the same location.

Business to be addressed during the regular meeting includes approval of minutes; monthly department supervisor's reports; and the transaction register, claims report, and Missouri Public Utility Alliance (MPUA).

Old business will include ab Oak Street project update and a resolution that will authorize the mayor to execute an approved agreement with the Mtn. View Chamber of Commerce.

New business includes discussion and votes on a list of ordinances. They are adoption of the city's Sunshine Law policy, an ordinance authorizing the mayor to sign an MPUA mutual aid agreement, an amendment to billing procedure, and primacy fees and a sewer service connection fee.