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From the Publisher’s Desk


Dear Readers,

I find it essential to take a moment to reflect on the true significance of Memorial Day. For many, this holiday marks the unofficial start of summer, a time for barbecues, family gatherings, and a much-anticipated day off work. While these traditions are enjoyable and bring us together, it’s crucial to remember the deeper purpose of this day.

Memorial Day was originally established to pay tribute to the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country. This solemn day was meant to ensure that their bravery and dedication were never forgotten, that their lives and service were remembered and respected. Over time, the holiday has evolved to include the remembrance of all loved ones who have passed away, providing a broader opportunity for reflection and tribute.

However, in recent years, it seems that Memorial Day has become just another holiday, often overshadowed by sales, vacations, and festive activities. While there is nothing wrong with enjoying these aspects, we must not lose sight of the holiday's original purpose. This year, let’s strive to remember and honor the true meaning of Memorial Day.

I’m not here to deliver a patriotic rant or to insist that we should only focus on fallen military members to the exclusion of others. Instead, I urge us all to take this day as an opportunity to remember and celebrate the lives of all those who have gone before us. Let’s share stories of our loved ones, laugh about the good times we had together, and express our gratitude for having known them. In doing so, we keep their memories alive and ensure that they are never forgotten.

Memorial Day should be a time of reflection and gratitude. Reflect on the sacrifices made by those who served in the military, yes, but also remember the cherished moments with family and friends who are no longer with us. It is through our memories and stories that they continue to live on in our hearts and minds. As the saying goes, a person is only truly gone when the last person who knew them forgets. By remembering and sharing our experiences, we honor their lives and their impact on us.

As we gather with family and friends this Memorial Day, let’s make it a point to talk about those who have passed. Share a favorite memory, recount a funny story, or reflect on the lessons they taught us. These conversations not only honor their memory but also strengthen our connections with one another.

I wish you all a happy and safe Memorial Day. Enjoy your barbecues, your gatherings, and the start of summer. But amidst the celebrations, take a moment to pause and remember. Reflect on the lives of those who have touched your heart, and let their stories inspire you. By doing so, we keep their spirits alive and ensure that their contributions, both great and small, are never forgotten.

Warm Regards,
Chris Herbolsheimer
West Plains Daily Quill & West Plains Gazette