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From the Publisher's Desk


Dear Readers,

It’s time to cast a line, West Plains, and see what bites. In this week’s column, I’m posing a question that’s been on my mind for a while, and I want to hear from you directly, our loyal readers and neighbors.

A Tough Decision to Adapt

Just over a year ago, we made a tough decision at the Quill, one that we didn’t take lightly and one that came after a lot of reflection and contemplation. With rising production costs and consistent increases in delivery rates from the postal service, we made the call to drop our print schedule from five days a week to two. It wasn’t an easy choice for anyone involved, but we saw it as the best path forward to continue providing the news, updates, and stories that you rely on. Sure, our papers got thicker, more packed with content on those two days, but there are only two now instead of five.
Looking back on that decision, it was necessary at the time, but it left me wondering about the future. And that’s where I’m turning to you — because your voice, your opinion, matters the most in shaping that future.
Here’s the question I’m tossing out to the community: If it were possible to return to printing five days per week, would you support it? Is that something our readers truly want? And if it is, are you willing to help us make it happen?

What It Would Take: Community Support

Let me explain. To return to a five-day-a-week print schedule, it wouldn’t just take a little bit of effort on our part — it would take widespread community support. And when I say “support,” I’m not talking about a sudden jump in subscription prices. I’m actually working hard behind the scenes to find ways to reduce our rates, so don’t worry about your pocketbooks. The kind of support I’m talking about is in terms of numbers, pure volume. We’d need an increase in the number of subscribers to make this possible.
Imagine this: We put out a clear benchmark. We say, “If we hit X number of subscribers, we can return to daily printing.” Would that be something you could get behind? Would that spark excitement, motivation, or even nostalgia for the days when your local paper arrived at your doorstep every weekday?
It’s not just about nostalgia, though, is it? It’s about staying connected to the town we all love. We at the Quill take pride in bringing the news to you, the stories that matter, the local happenings that shape our community. We love being a part of West Plains, and we’re honored that you trust us to be your source for what’s happening in our town. That’s why I’m asking for your feedback, because in the end, this isn’t just our paper—it’s yours.
I want to know if the community would rally behind this idea. Would you like to see the Quill back in your hands five days a week? And if so, would you help spread the word and encourage more people to subscribe? Would local businesses show support through advertising? These are all critical pieces of the puzzle, and they hinge on what you, the readers, want.
If we were to set that benchmark and tell you, “This is the number of subscribers we need,” would you help us reach that goal? It’s not about forcing anyone into it; it’s about seeing if the interest is there, if the demand is strong enough to make this work. That’s why I’m turning to you — to gauge what our community wants and how we can make it happen together.

Reach Out and Share Your Thoughts

We’re not in this alone. West Plains is a special town, and we all know it. Whether it’s the family businesses, the schools, the events, or the simple charm of walking down the square on a sunny afternoon, there’s something about this place that just feels like home. And as the local paper, we’ve always taken it as our mission to reflect that sense of home back to you in the pages of the Quill.
But to bring back a five-day print schedule, we need to know that there’s a shared desire in the community to make it happen. We need to know that you, the readers, value the role of a local paper so much that you’d spread the word, sign up for a subscription, and encourage others to do the same. Because here’s the truth: with enough support and enough subscribers, we could make this happen.
I know that many of you, like us at the Quill, care deeply about this town. You care about what’s happening at City Hall, what the local sports teams are doing, and what events are coming up on the weekend. You want to stay informed, connected, and engaged with the stories that matter most. And while we’ve adapted to fewer print days by packing our papers with content, I also know that for some of you, there’s nothing quite like picking up the paper five days a week and getting your news the traditional way.
So here’s what I need from you: reach out. Let me know your thoughts on this. If you think going back to a five-day print schedule is something you’d love to see, I want to hear from you. And if you’re not sold on the idea or don’t think it’s necessary, I want to hear that too. This is your chance to help shape the future of your local newspaper, and I’m ready to listen.
If you’ve got opinions, suggestions, or even just a quick thought on this, shoot me an email at chrish@westplainsdailyquill.net or give me a call at 417-256-9191. Or even send your thoughts as a Letter to the Editor by emailing news@westplainsdailyquill.net or dropping a note in the mail to the West Plains Daily Quill at P.O. Box 110, West Plains, MO 65775.

Let’s have a conversation. Let’s see if there’s enough excitement and interest to make this dream a reality. And if there is, we’ll work hard — together — to bring the West Plains Daily Quill back to five days of print each week.
With your help, we can continue to be the reliable source of news and stories that West Plains depends on. And with enough support, who knows? Maybe daily papers will once again be landing on doorsteps all across town.

As always, thank you for reading, thank you for supporting us, and thank you for being a part of the community that makes West Plains such a special place. Let’s see where this conversation takes us — with enough hard work and a little bit of community spirit, anything is possible!

Warm Regards,
Chris Herbolsheimer
West Plains Daily Quill & West Plains Gazette