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Junction Hill School Board meets Thursday


The Junction Hill School board will hold its June meeting at noon Thursday in the school cafeteria.

Once quorum is established, the meeting will open with a welcome to all visitors and guests. The consent agenda to be approved will include formal adoption of the current agenda; approval of previous meeting minutes; review and approval of bill payments; approval of the monthly safety report, the annual federal programs and food services reports and a code of ethics resolution; and a resolution of an assurance of religious expression.

A review of the monthly financial report which includes review and amendments of the 2023-24 budget and adoption of the 2024-25 budget will be followed by reports from the Summer School and Transportation committees.

Under old business, the bond will review student handbook changes and amendments to the certified salary scheduled, and hear updates on summer improvements.

The board will then move on to new business discussion, which will include the scheduling of the annual tax rate hearing; approval of Missouri School Board Association policy updates and bids for milk, diesel and trash; setting of prices for milk and lunch for the upcoming school year; and approval of the 2024-25 tuition rates and transportation routes.

Administrators will give their reports and the date for the next board meeting will be set before the board moves into closed session to discuss personnel matters and a school security review.

The board will return to to open session before adjourning. The public is welcome to attend.