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Kathryn Bratton celebrates milestone birthday


In remarkably good health for her age, and with plenty of company, Kathryn Bratton of West Plains celebrated her 100th birthday with about 40 friends and family on Saturday.

A resolution was read by 154th District State Rep. David Evans, signed by Missouri Senate President Pro Tem Caleb Rowden, recognizing Bratton's longevity and her long years as an outstanding Missouri citizen "enjoying the blessings of a long and prosperous life."

She was born June 17, 1924, in West Plains. Bratton graduated West Plains High School in 1941 and prior to that, attended Pottersville School. She then attended teacher training school, but found she preferred secretarial work and had several jobs in that profession. Married to first husband Hansel Perkins for over 40 years, the couple had three children; she was a stay-at-home mother until their youngest was old enough to enter school, and cherished making memories with her children.

Perkins served in the U.S. Army during World War II and Kathryn had jobs at Reese Air Force Base in Lubbock, Texas. She was also employed with the Missouri Department of Social Services Family Support Division, Henry Law Firm and the Missouri Department of Corrections Probation and Parole Division.

She is described as a person who has a "heart full of compassion and kindness,” who enjoys helping others however she is able, sometimes by being a safe person to confide in. After Perkins died in 1987, she was married to the late Bill Bratton in 1988; he died in 2004.

Evans also credited her devotion to service as a member of the First Baptist Church, and as a faithful believer in Christ who "continues to nurture her faith through studying the Bible, memorizing and quoting scripture, and singing hymns."

Bratton is still experiencing life's great adventure with the love and support of children Kathy Harrington and Bill Perkins, and grandchildren Michael Harrington and Stephanie Harrington, Evans concluded.

The youngest of Bratton's family members that attended the party were her great-granddaughters, Eleanor and Amelia, children of Michael and Kristin Harrington. Son-in-law Terry Harrington continues to be helpful and supportive in her life.

She was also presented with a proclamation issued by the Howell County Commission by Howell County Clerk Kelly Waggoner, recognizing her as an outstanding and accomplished Howell County citizen.

Howell Oregon Electric Cooperative Member Services Manager Myles Smith thanked her for being, in his recollection, the cooperative customer with the longest-standing account, still currently in her name.