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McDonald's, area libraries launch Happy McReader summer program


McDonald’s restaurants across the area have launched the Happy McReaders Summer program in partnership with local libraries, allowing area libraries to provide children with a special incentive from their local McDonald’s to continue reading over the summer – a free Happy Meal.

According to company officials, McDonald's local owner/operators are always looking for ways to support education in the communities their restaurants serve. “Reading has so many benefits and McDonald's loves creating ways to support local students and encouraging them to continue reading during the summer months,” officials added.

Parents can pick up a Happy McReaders punch card from a participating area library: Douglas County Public Library, Mtn. View Public Library, Thayer Public Library, West Plains Public Library and Willow Springs Public Library in Missouri, plus the Baxter County Library in Mtn. Home, Ark. 

After receiving a punch card, children just need to be encouraged to start reading, officials explained: Upon returning books to the library, the child will receive one punch for every book completed. Once the child completes 10 books and their Happy McReaders punch card is filled, they can visit any participating local McDonald’s restaurant to receive their free Happy Meal.

The local libraries will provide the Happy McReaders punch cards while supplies last, through Aug. 31. To learn more about the program and participating locations, visit www.mcdonaldsmo.com.