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West Plains Pride to celebrate LGBTQ+ diversity at Galloway Park


From noon to dark June 15 and 16, a West Plains Pride event at Galloway Park in West Plains will focus on celebrating the LGBTQ+ community.

Booths and entertainment will be on hand for all ages.

“Come out and celebrate the differences between people in our community and promote equal rights for all,” invite organizers.

Volunteers are sought to help set up, tear down and work shifts of between 90 minutes and two hours. Positions available include assisting with activities and giveaways, security and “floating” throughout the event to perform duties assigned as needed. To sign up as a volunteer, visit forms.gle/dnei1PQj65tHRYfy9 and complete the form.

Vendors, including food trucks and art vendors are sought, as are live entertainers and donations for giveaway drawings.

Fundraising for the event is being done through the GoFundMe platform at gofund.me/9ff0421d.

For more questions about volunteering, donating, setting up a vendor booth or providing entertainment during the event, email westplainspridecommittee@gmail.com.

For updates about the event, follow “West Plains Pride” on Facebook.