John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world…” This week we celebrate the love that came down at Christmas.
By Diane Cooke, Pastor
Willow Springs & Mtn. View Presbyterian Churches
I recently reflected on how much our perceptions of Christmas change as we get older. To illustrate, consider the following questions we will likely ask at various ages. Four and 5-year-olds often ask, “What do I want for Christmas?” and “Will I get what I want?”
By Tim Richards
The First United Methodist Church of West Plains recently brought holiday cheer to the community with its dinner theater event, “Christmas at the Cricket County Cafe.”
By Chris Herbolsheimer,
Quill Contributing Writer
Luke 2:10-11: But the angel said, “Don't be afraid! I have good news for you, which will make everyone happy. This very day in King David's hometown a Savior was born for you. He is Christ the Lord."
By Edwin Woolsey,
Quill Contributing Writer
“Do not be afraid, for I am bringing you good news of great joy!” Never in all my life have I ever been greeted like that. Usually greetings start with a hello, or introduction, or even a question. Never have I ever heard anyone start off with “Do not be afraid for I have some good news.”
By Kent Wilfong, Pastor
Alton & Doniphan United Methodist Churchs
Christmas is a time of joy. Yes, it can be festive and fun, but it also can be difficult for those who are grieving, those whose lives are broken, those who carry heavy burdens.
By Diane Cooke, Pastor,
Willow Springs & Mtn. View Presbyterian Churches
Elizabeth Barrett had published four poetry books by the time she was 12 years old. Three years later, her life changed dramatically when she suffered a horrible spinal injury. Her family believed she would be confined to bed for the rest of her life.
By Tim Richards
Luke 1:34: “How can this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”
This time of year, even with its celebrations, is for some people a time of sadness. There has been great sickness, grief or loss in their lives. Twinkling Christmas lights are not enough to lift the darkness.
By Diane Cooke, Pastor,
Willow Springs and Mtn. View Presbyterian Churches
I have often wondered what Gabriel and the other archangels looked like. I know we have descriptions in the Old Testaments, and they are definitely unique in appearance. But, I can’t help but wonder how truly awesome they may have looked.
By Kent Wilfong, Pastor,
Alton & Doniphan Methodist Churches
In her April 30, 2024, Our Daily Bread devotional, Xochitl Dixon wrote about her son, Xavier. She recalled how when he was in kindergarten, he stretched his arms as wide as they would go and said, “I love you this much.” His mother, would stretch her adult arms wider and say, “I love you this much.”
By Tim Richards
Deuteronomy 32:9: “For the people of Israel belong to the Lord; Jacob is his special possession.”
By Edwin Woolsey
One of the most important promises in the Bible is found in Matthew’s Gospel: God with us.
By Diane Cooke, Pastor,
Willow Springs & Mtn. View Presbyterian Churches
Beginning Dec. 18, the West Plains Daily Quill Church & Religion Page will move to Wednesday publications in order to allow area churches more time in the week to notify the public of special events.
The Tiptons, a Gospel singing group from The Ozarks, will be featured in a Gospel Music Concert Sunday morning at The Bridge Church of West Plains. The service begins at 10:30 a.m.
Revelation 16:12: And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
By Edwin Woolsey
Christmas is a time of hope, not because our lives are perfect (because they are not), not because we are doing everything just right (because we aren’t), but because even in the most difficult of times, God gives us hope.
By Diane Cooke, Pastor,
Willow Springs & Mtn. View Presbyterian Churches
Okay, one holiday down, and another to go. As you read this, Thanksgiving is a memory that is continuing to be reactivated by the leftover turkey in your fridge. Now that I think about it, how is that turkey stew after the fourth warm-up?
By Kent Wilfong, Pastor,
Alton & Doniphan United Methodist Churches
People worshiped the Dragon because he had given authority to the Beast, and they also worshiped the Beast and asked, “Who is like the Beast?" (Revelation 13:4)
By Edwin Woolsey