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From the Publisher’s Desk


Dear Readers,

This week at the West Plains Daily Quill has been nothing short of extraordinary. Your calls, your messages, your words of appreciation, they've been like unexpected postcards from a friend, brightening our days and reaffirming the value of our work. To each of you who took the time to reach out with kind words about my writing, or the overall efforts of our team, I want to say a heartfelt thank you. It's hard to convey the depth of my gratitude, but I hope you can sense the sincerity in these words.

At the Quill, our mission has always been to craft stories that matter, to shed light on the truths of our time, and to provide a voice to our community. I won't lie, it's a grind. The late nights, the constant search for the next lead, the diligence in fact-checking, it's all part of the relentless pace we keep to bring you an edition you can trust and enjoy. And while we're no strangers to criticism, which is part and parcel of the newspaper biz, it's the pats on the back that often feel few and far between. So, when you tell us we've gotten something "right," it's like a shot in the arm, a little extra fuel to keep our engines running.

I want you to know that your thoughts don't just vanish into the ether. We read them, we discuss them, and we take them to heart. And here's something else: We're all ears for what you think deserves a spotlight in our pages. Got a tip on a topic, a person, or an organization that's doing something special? Shoot it our way. Saw a feature in our paper that reminded you of someone or something equally deserving of attention? Tell us. We're all about sharing the love and the limelight.

But let's get one thing straight, we're not in the business of playing favorites. This isn't about who knows whom or who's got the flashiest story. We strive for stories that resonate, that mean something, that bring a little more understanding or joy into your day. Sure, we can't catch everything that's going on around town, and sometimes we miss a beat. That's where you come in. If you think there's a gap in our coverage, let's hear it. The only thing I ask is that we skip the "why this and not that" spiel. Fairness isn't about tit-for-tat. It's about sharing diverse perspectives and celebrating our community in all its facets.

So, keep those suggestions coming, and remember, it's not just our newspaper, it's yours too. We're just the stewards, and you are the beating heart of West Plains.

Let's wrap this up on a high note, shall we? Spring is knocking on the door, the days are getting longer, and somewhere out there, a story waits to be told. A story of triumph, of kindness, of West Plains at its finest. Here's to the stories ahead, and to the community we build, one edition at a time.

Warm Regards,
Chris Herbolsheimer
West Plains Daily Quill & West Plains Gazette