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More than a century ago, a small group of farmers came together in Slater, Missouri, determined to develop an organization to be a voice for agriculture and rural communities. Since Missouri Farm Bureau’s start in 1915, generations of county leaders brought MOFB to where it is today, serving more than 157,000 members across the state. more
If you live in Springfield, you noticed a significant change six weeks ago — school’s back in session. The combination of 25,000-plus college students coming to the city along with K-12 students back on a regular schedule means increased traffic and activity. more
It was only a matter of time. Not too long ago, my son, Max, and I had an unscheduled meeting to discuss the accuracy of the speedometer in my truck. The meeting began with flashing red and blue lights, followed by a noteworthy self-assessment, which involved me apologizing for my mistake and thanking the Boone County deputy sheriff for his service. After a polite reminder that there have been multiple accidents in the area involving excessive speed, the officer reminded me to please slow down and sent me on my way. more
Every August, thousands of Missourians converge upon Sedalia for 11 days of food, fun and fellowship during the Missouri State Fair. The Missouri Farm Bureau building is always a hotbed of activity, and while there’s not a staff member standing at the door counting the number of attendees who enter in search of ice-cold milk, insurance and membership giveaways, or to sign up for a lawnmower drawing, the consensus was that this year felt “busy.” From the time the doors opened until they shut for the last time each night, fairgoers seemed to be everywhere. more
As a young kid, I always loved helping out on my grandparents’ farm. It was an opportunity to spend quality time with family and it helped me learn the value of hard work. It’s also what inspired me to join FFA, study agriculture in college, and do whatever it would take to one day purchase the farm, which I was able to do using the money I made from harvesting timber on the property while I was in law school. Running my farm, which has been in my family for four generations, isn’t easy. But there is nothing more rewarding. more
Many of the cases judges are asked to decide typically result in some people winning and others losing. But one of the only times everyone leaves the courtroom happy is when an adoption is finalized. more
As someone who strongly believes that the best government is that which is closest to the people, I’m incredibly frustrated by how much the federal government has grown since our nation was founded nearly 250 years ago. Whenever the Left is in control of Washington, they do everything they can to force their values on the rest of America — and the biggest tool they have is the Washington bureaucracy. Whether they’re trying to ban gas powered vehicles, dictating what you can or can’t do on your land, or even deciding what kind of appliances you can purchase for your home, there is no limit to how far they will go to expand government command and control. more
In June, the electric co-ops lost an icon. Frank Stork was CEO of Missouri Electric Cooperatives for more than 30 years. During his time here, he led the rural electric co-ops through many challenges and received plenty of recognition.  more
Recently, CFO communications specialist Matthew Stewart reminded me it was almost time for this monthly column. In previous months, he has shared a theme or something to highlight, but this time’s gentle nudge didn’t come with a recommendation. The page was my oyster. Yikes.   more
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