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Wright county
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The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission awarded contracts for the Southeast District during its October regular meeting. Contracts included bridge replacements, the addition of outer roads and pavement resurfacing. more
Two Mtn. Grove residents drowned after their vehicle was swept into flood waters, according to Troop G of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, headquartered in Willow Springs. more
Missouri 911 in Wright, Howell and Ozark counties has launched a tri-countywide geographic information system remediation project to update the 911 mapping to improve emergency services across the counties and the state of Missouri, officials announce. The project is funded by grants using federal American Rescue Plan Act funds. more
A Mtn. Grove man has been charged with four felonies and a misdemeanor after allegedly attempting to meet a girl he believed to be 11 years old for sex, and an investigation reportedly uncovered other attempts to meet underage girls, plus evidence he'd exchanged sexually explicit with girls he believed to be underage. more
Beginning Sept. 9, two area highways will be reduced to one lane for pavement repairs, expected to take about a month, said Missouri Department of Transportation officials. more
Beginning Monday, two area highways will be reduced to one lane for pavement repairs, expected to take about a month, said Missouri Department of Transportation officials. more
Wright County voters retained both incumbent county commissioners, along with the sheriff, in contested races held during Tuesday’s primary elections, according to results pending official certification. more
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