The Willow Springs Tuesday Study Club met Nov. 19, 2024, at the Willow Springs Senior Center for a regular business meeting. Mary Knott was hostess for the day and also the program leader. Following the business portion of the meeting, Mary gave the following wonderful presentation:
The West Plains Council on the Arts will host a door hanger workshop from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Jan. 14 in the Dogwood Room of the West Plains Civic Center, 110 St. Louis St. It is instructed by local artist Tara Shahan and costs $40, with all supplies included. The project is a cow-head-shaped piece of quarter-inch plywood that will be painted and embellished with letters, bows and floral elements. The door hangers are about 18 inches in height.
The John E. Miller building at Ozarka College in Melbourne, Ark., was recently filled with holiday cheer and excitement as families gathered to welcome Santa Claus for this year’s Christmas event, themed “Gingerbread Lane.”
Middle school students from Howell Valley, Fairview, Glenwood and Ozarks Christian Academy (OCA) recently participated in the 2024 Math Educators of South Central Missouri (MESCM) 24-game mathematics tournament, with another to be held in January at Missouri State University-West Plains. Eighty students total participated, and organizer and MSU-WP mathematics professor Jerry Trick thanked the dozens of teachers and volunteers who helped make the event possible.
On Nov. 13th, 10 members of the Mtn. View Garden Club met at Angel Garden flower shop for their monthly meeting, some arriving early to enjoy the “scrumptious” chicken croissant sandwiches offered for lunch, shared newly-elected club President Robi Tanner.
Area residents interested in flying drones commercially can attend a workshop at Missouri State University-West Plains Jan. 6 through 8 to help them prepare for the Federal Aviation Administration certification exam.
It’s Monday morning as I sit at my desk, a cup of freshly percolated hazelnut coffee within arm’s reach. It’s brewed in my trusty 1960s Corningware percolator, a relic that seems to make coffee taste better simply because it’s been around so long. There’s something timeless about the gentle bubbling and the rich aroma that fills the room — a comforting prelude to the reflections that come with the season. By the time you read this, Christmas will have passed, and I hope yours was filled with love, warmth, and a little bit of magic.
By Chris Herbolsheimer,
Quill Contributing Writer
Earlier this week my kids beat me at poker. No money changed hands, other than colored plastic chips. But the bragging rights will last a while, at least until next December. Our college-aged kids taught us how to play Texas Hold ‘em this year. We ordered cheap pizza and listened to Kenny Rogers sing “The Gambler” while we played.
By Gwen Rockwood
I like old things.
By Jim Hamilton
Many years ago, my wife and I had a friend who came home to find her husband had passed away on their front porch. Their house was on a busy street, and we often wondered how many people might have seen him lying there but didn’t stop to help. This story reflects a troubling trend — people passing by without noticing or caring about someone in need.
By David Burton,
Community Development Specialist,
University of Missouri Extension
On Dec. 24, Gary and Sue Orf of Bakersfield will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary.
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Ozark Spring chapter members Teresa Coldiron and Nyalin Barnes recently had the opportunity to visit the Wright County Children’s Home in Norwood and present 10 teen-level books for children living at the home.
Koshkonong resident Justus Ball celebrated his 100th birthday on Dec. 9 with a gathering of friends and family at the Koshkonong school. His children shared his story:
How many of you remember the days when "It’s A Wonderful Life" aired on primetime network television every December? It was practically the unofficial kickoff to the Christmas season, like a beacon calling us to gather around the television with family. There was no DVR, no streaming services, no instant access to any movie at any time. And yet, I can’t help but think that made it all the more special.
By Chris Herbolsheimer,
Quill Contributing Writer
Yes, that was Mrs. Claus in the library on Saturday! No, she wasn't checking out books, but she was reading books to our young visitors and answering their many questions about Santa, his reindeer and the elves. After Christmas crafts and cookies, Mrs. Claus was on her way to meet Santa but promised to come visit us again next year.
By Kathie Ledgerwood-Cox,
Branch Librarian